DPZ Technology wants to produce your eBook!
eBook Development
With the continue change in technology eBooks have become a necessity to meet the public’s demands as they are more portable, quicker to update, provide more functionality, reduce inventories and are easily stored by the many eReaders available today.
When DPZ Technology creates an eBook, the writer is eligible to have their eBook placed in a unique eCommerce eBook store. The eBook will also automatically be placed in the DPZ Technology eBook Club.
- Authors maintain ownership and control
- Lower costs, higher profit margins
- Easier to update
- Faster delivery time and less expensive
- Receive five different versions covering 98% of all readers
- Receive a Promotional Page for free distribution to friends and family
Standard eBook include:
- Color Images
- Content Linking
- Font Sizing
- Search Capabilities
- Graphic Insertion
Additional functions available:
- Voice-overs
- Videoization